The CopySafe Web image converter will enable the user to
select and import images for encryption. The Configuration
Wizard will step the user through all steps to nominate
the desired properties for the image's display. Then the
user only needs to click on the Protect button and select
a destination folder to save the new work. Operating the
image converter requires little to no skill. To publish
the protected images, the user only has upload all the
files found in the project folder.
The image converter encrypts the images and adds them
to web pages with standard html governed by the template
file in the software's program folder. Without any further
editing the images will be fully protected for all threats
including Printscreen and screen capture.
Further customization of pages prior to upload and
editing the program's template files will require a basic
understanding of html.
CopySafe Web version 4.0 software used for encrypting images will run on all platforms that have Java version 1.5 installed.
CopySafe Web protected content will run from any web site and
on any server type, whether it be a commercial server or
personal web server (such as PWS on Windows XP Pro).
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