"We know the technology, we know the client, and we know the audience. Our systems are the most secure and are affordable; and we stay apace with those who seek ways to get around protection solutions."
ArtistScope pioneered copy protection in 1998 when nothing was available. ArtistScope software is innovative and the industry standard for DRM and copy protection, providing the most secure and most robust solutions possible for all types and media and for all types of scenarios.
ArtistScope's first solution was Secure Image (first image encryption), followed by Link Protect (leech protection) which was shortly followed by Copysafe (first screenshot protection).
ArtistScope revolutionized Digital Rights Management (DRM) by introducing call-to-home server validation instead of using tokens, ensuring that DRM rights could not be exploited and giving authors total control over any changes with immediate effect.
In the days of diallup phone modems, ArtistScope needed to host dedicated servers on every continent to eliminate delays in sending/receiving DRM validations that were comprised of only a few bytes. Today only one server is required but the experience paved the way for the development of the most sophisticated copy protection solution ever imagined.
The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) is the only server software for the copy protection of web pages and media, and there is nothing else like it. The ASPS server module, which is available for Windows server running IIS and Linux servers running either Apache or Nginx, encrypts web pages for display in ArtisBrowser, thus creating a secure tunnel between the server and the user's desktop, from which nothing can be copied or extracted in any way.
ArtisBrowser was first released in 2011 to support copy protected web pages where all other web browsers failed. Today ArtisBrowser is available for use on all operating systems (OS) including Windows, Mac, iPhone iPad and Android mobile phones.
Competitors, copy cats or scammers? While they all claim to be unique, they all started by plagiarising our developments and some even by copying our web pages. Most are only new, don't have solutions that can do half of what they claim, and will disappear within a couple of years.
Email for a free non-obligatory consultation about your web project. Email is always been best because nothing can be shown by phone and messages can be re-read or translated for a better understanding.