Copy protected web hosting for PDF and video

Copy Protection Questions

How can I prevent Printscreen, screen capture and screen recording?
ArtistScope provides several alternatives that are most effective against ALL methods of save, copy and exploit. The best solution for you will depend on your scenario. Please see the questions below for your specific requirements.
Can VIDEO be copy protected while displayed online and viewed in a web browser?
Yes, and it can be done most securely because while normal web browsers are absolutely useless for copy protection, our solutions use the ArtisBrowser, a web browser especially designed to support copy protection.
Can VIDEO be copy protected after download for viewing on the user's desktop?
Yes, but only for Windows users. For copy protection and/or DRM to contol access and prevent sharing, see CopySafe Video.
Can PDF be copy protected while displayed online and read in a web browser?
Yes. However your visitors will be required to use the ArtisBrowser because normal browsers are useless for copy protection. Depending on your scenario you can choose from:
Can PDF be copy protected after download for reading on the user's desktop?
Yes, but only for Windows users. For copy protection and/or DRM to contol access and prevent sharing, see CopySafe PDF.
Can I copy protect live meetings like Zoom?
Yes and no. To be able to protect a live stream, what you see needs to be displayed on or embedded into your own web page.

So if you are using Zoom then the answer is no because you have no control over their end point. But if you are using another live stream service that can be embedded on your web page, then yes.

For further advice, email a description of your plan/scenario from Contact Us
Can copy protected media be viewed with Chrome and other popular browsers?
No. Any copy protection that can viewed with normal web browsers will be fake protection and very easily exploited. In fact the popular web browsers are totally useless for copy priotection because they are designed at cross purpose. Instead, we use and recommend the ArtisBrowser, a web browser especially designed for copy protected media, safe from absolutely ALL avenues of save, copy, capture and exploit.
How can I compare/test the different copy protection solutions?
All copy protection solutions are demonstrated online. Most have plugins available that you can see in action on these websites:
Can I copy protect lessons in a tutor LMS on a WordPress website?
Yes, anything and everything displayed on your WordPress pages can be copy protected by using the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS):
Can I copy protect pages served by LiteSpeed or Cloudfare?
Yes and No. It is possible but with limitations:
  • If you are using Cloudfare then it is possible to use the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) by disabling "page compression" in your Cloudfare settings.
  • If your website uses WordPress with LiteSpeed then you cannot use ASPS directly. But you can use ASPS in an iFrame on your pages via the SafeGuard Media service.
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