Copy protected web hosting for PDF and video

ASPS and CopySafe PDF Comparison

The ArtistScope Site Protection Software (ASPS) and the Copysafe PDF Protection software are both most effective at protecting PDF from all copy while displayed online from web pages. In fact there are no other comparable solutions but there are notable differences between these two solutions which we discuss here in order of importance to the average PDF publisher.

Copy Protection

There are no differences in the effectiveness of the copy protection provided by either solution. They both most effectively prevent all screenshots, screen recording, save and downloads of PDF that is displayed on web pages. However there is a difference in that while both solutions protect PDF displayed online, Copysafe PDF can also be used to copy protect PDF distributed for offline viewing, on the user's desktop with or without the additional protection of DRM to prevent sharing.


DRM or Digital Rights Management is really about "user rights" and permissions to open and view media. DRM is about user rights and it has nothing to do with "copy protection" which is the prevention of copy after a file has been opened and on view. DRM can include all sorts of limitations with simple password protection being referred to as DRM. Our DRM goes way further than password protection with more options and  limitations on the computers being used to access the media. By recognizing each user by their unique computer signature, our DRM can most effectively prevent the sharing of files and their passwords. That way, if a PDF author publishes PDF for select users then only those users will be able to open and view the PDF, and should one send a copy to 1,000 other users, then none will be able to open and view unless they also have the author's permission. Our DRM is managed by server requests and the user needs to be online for DRM authorization of PDF.

Here the difference is most notable because while CopySafe PDF can be viewed away from a website (not online) it only provides DRM options for desktop viewing.

DRM options are not available for media displayed on web pages because today most web sites are using a CMS like WordPress or Moodle which already have user login management that can conflict with DRM and only frustrate the average website owner.

But how to apply DRM to web pages and prevent members from sharing logins? Well that is something best applied per website by your web designer who will hopefully know how to modify a database and customize login scripts. But when you have that, it does get easier because the ArtisBrowser will provide the unique user identification for you to log and manage.

OS and Device Support

First point to note here is that CopySafe PDF requires the use of a Windows desktop computer. Mac users can run Windows via Bootcamp or Parallels but there is no mobile phone support. Those who do use the CopySafe solutions do so for the level of protection that is available for Windows.

In contrast, with ASPS there are no OS limitations as protected pages can be viewed while using the ArtisBrowser which is available for Windows, Mac, Android, iPad and iPhone devices. However site owners can elect to only allow Windows and Mac computers if they consider that mobile devices may be exploitable and a risk.

Server Requirements

If your website is on a shared hosting server then you will be limited to using CopySafe PDF which can be used on any webpage hosted anywhere. In contrast ASPS requires the installation of software below the root level of a website and thus requires the permissions and rights to install at system level which will only be available with dedicated or virtual servers.

For anyone considering website protection a virtual server is the way to go and today virtual hosting can be most economical with basic plans starting at $10/month and less. A virtual server will also enable more bandwidth to your website where it won't be affected by a 1,000 other websites and spikes in peak hour traffic.

PDF Encryption

Before uploading PDF for use with CopySafe PDF Protection, the PDF files need to be encrypted for the website that is displaying them, which can be a chore when considering that PDF displayed on ASPS protected web pages do not need to be encrypted. With CopySafe PDF one must use the proprietary HTML for embedding the player on web pages. However if using one of the popular CMS like WordPress, Moodle, Drupal, Joomla or DNN, ArtistScope do provide plugins and add-ons that can be installed and run from their page editors.

With ASPS you can use normal (unencrypted) PDF and any embedded player that you like. For example if you are using WordPress then you will have a score of PDF plugins to choose from. However care needs to be taken to ensure that the embedded player does not provide options for print, download or fullscreen in its toolbar. The PDF JS Viewer is a good example and if you need more advice, simply contact us.

PDF Decryption

On modern computers file size is rarely a problem when viewing locally, but when viewing online, download speed and delay comes into play, especially where encrypted files are concerned because they cannot open before the file is downloaded. Encrypted files may not be cached so loading normal PDF will be faster.

Click for more info on ArtistScope Site Protection Software (ASPS)
Click for more info on CopySafe PDF Protection

See Them Both Online

Examples of ASPS and Copysafe PDF displaying protected PDF on web pages can be seen online at For the ASPS examples look under the Site Protection menu. For Copysafe PDF see under the Copy Protect PDF menu.

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