CopySafe Web installation

Software installation

Please see the file that you downloaded for the Windows installer for Copysafe Web. Run the exe file by double-clicking with the left mouse button. When finished you should be able to start the program by double-clicking the Copysafe Web icons in your start and program menus. Otherwise the program can be started by double-clicking ArtistScope.jar in the program's folder. The default install location is C:\Program Files\Copysafe Web.

Uploading content to your web site

CopySafe Webcan be used on any web page or web site. There are no special requirements for the site or server. All the content that you need is produced by the Copysafe Web software when you encrypt a batch of images. The new web pages and their support files to upload to your web site are created in the folder where you save the new images. See publishing for more info.

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