The Next Generation of Secure Image Technology

September 2008
Next Generation of Secure Image Technology.

Since 1998, ArtistScope's image encryption technology has provided the only feasible solution for displaying secure images on web pages. By utilizing Java security applets to cater to decrypting images in memory as the web page loads, ArtistScope’s image encryption for the web has been unsurpassed. In fact, even today, there are no comparable solutions.

As the web browser makers try to tighten security in the "bells and whistles" features that they originally introduced to attract their users, such as the case of Microsoft paying out on Sun because they sued them for trying to brand Java technology as their own. Java is no longer bundled with Windows. Now, everyone has to download and install Java separately and suffer delays every time they first run Java.

So for Windows users, ArtistScope image encryption can now be delivered by ActiveX. ActiveX is native to Windows and the Internet Explorer web browser so there are no extra resources required to run it and there are no delay in load times. ArtistScope’s new ActiveX image viewer is fully compatible with images that were previously encrypted for the Java security applets. In fact, they are more efficient because there is no delay to initialize Java and the images cannot be found in cache at all because the decryption is managed in the memory.

One of the main benefits of using encrypted images is that the images stored on the client’s website are completely secure. They are safe from company staff and also from persons who may have access to the web server, such as hosting staff and web masters.

The potential retrieval of media from the web browser’s cache has always been a concern. In earlier days, cached files were not that accessible and even when they are located could not be opened directly. But recently, browsers have increasingly changed that and as usual, made securing such files even more difficult by exposing them without any limitations.

The images encrypted by ArtistScope software have always been secure regardless of how accessible the cache may be. The reason for this is that they are still in their encrypted form and cannot be displayed except from the Java security applet, which of course is domain-locked to the client’s website. Nowadays, it is even more secure because the encrypted images downloaded and decrypted by the new ActiveX viewer cannot be found anywhere. The whole decryption and display process remains in the end user’s computer memory.

CopySafe Web Protection

CopySafe Web Protection has been the most secure copy protection solution for use on websites in the last 10 years and now it delivers efficiently and quickly, plus more:

  • Lightning fast decryption on load to the web page
  • Print Screen and screen capture protection for all Windows web browsers
  • Page reload and roaming is delivered instantly from cache
  • Encrypted images can only be viewed by visiting your web page online
  • Encrypted images stored in cache and Temporary Internet files are secure
  • Image decryption is directly controlled by the CopySafe plugin and are more secure
  • Variable image display styles available including slideshow and watermarking
  • Command line operation available for single or batch processing by folder selection

Command Line Operation

CopySafe Web Protection version 4.0 can now be operated in command line mode, run from the console, from .bat files or by using a DLL interface for online operation. It can also convert single images or batch process by selected folder. Secure Image Pro command line can be interfaced from web pages for online gallery uploads and management on any type of web server including Windows, Mac and Linux.


Watermarks can be applied selectively to images uploaded by Windows, Mac or Linux computer users. The watermark option is available as an option for all display styles including slideshow.


Both the CopySafe Web Protection version 4.0 ActiveX and the security applet are compatible with images already converted by previous versions.


CopySafe Web Protection version 4.0 is a major upgrade and requires registration. However, current users who registered before January 2008 are eligible to upgrade at discount as an "extra license”. On the other hand, license that were registered since January 2008 are eligible for a free upgrade.

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