Troubleshooting Copy Protection : DRM: What if someone gained access to a user's account?

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Group : Admin
Posts : 128
Joined: 2016-09-29

Posted On: 2020-02-02 at 14:58

What if someone gained unauthorized access to an approved user's account, would they be able to download a token for their own computer?


Group : Admin
Posts : 128
Joined: 2016-09-29

Posted On: 2020-02-02 at 14:59

As the author it is up to you as to how many computers are allowed (1-3) and whether the user can change computers without your assistance.

Otherwise it is not possible because once a Computer ID slot is recorded, it is difficult to change from the user's end. In fact the beast does not allow it from the video player... this system has been used for PDF since 2009 and user's have not been able to update/change computers without assistance from the author who has had to first remove it from the user's record so that it can be recorded anew.
