ArtisBrowser Takes Over Where Other Web Browsers Fail

July 2015
ArtisBrowser Takes Over Where Others Fail.

July 11, 2015 – The latest ArtisBrowser provides a solution to all copy protection woes experienced by website developers and owners while trying to secure and protect their copyrighted and intellectual property for display in popular web browsers. No longer do web developers need to cope with the disappointing support provided by popular web browsers when creating copy protected web content.

Whether using the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS), one of the CopySafe solutions or another copy protect solution, allowing access to any of the popular web browsers immediately undermines security for web media. But now developers can use and recommend the ArtisBrowser which was properly designed throughout to protect and enhance protected media.

Used in conjunction with the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS), the ArtisBrowser provides the most secure copy protection for web pages that cannot be exploited in nay way. In fact when SSL is used, the use of packet-sniffers to retrieve data and media sources becomes futile.

- Click for more information about the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS).
- Click for more information about the ArtisBrowser.

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