CopySafe Stops Print Screen and Screen Capture

April 2000
CopySafe Stops Print Screen & Screen Capture

CopySafe Web Protection, the capture safe solution for artists on the web, is now available for distribution. A demonstration of the new system is now online at the ArtistScope website.

CopySafe makes your works safe from all copying, saving, printing and capture. It can be used to protect images and page content, when they are displayed online from almost any web page. CopySafe is a Java program and it runs independently as it provides its own support and sources. It will run on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME, supporting 98% of Internet traffic.

ArtistScope has been very busy in preparation for the release. In recent months, much development and work have been done to ensure that the system will maintain security in time to come and to guarantee that it is supported globally. Several servers have been set up at various global points to provide support and free plug-in downloads to all CopySafe content visitors.

Online demos will be provided where the public will be invited to try "steal" the images in any way possible to demonstrate the efficacy of CopySafe Web Protection methods.
