Guest Video is the first and only file hosting service to provide options for DRM and copy protection.
Guest Video is the first and only file storage service to provide options for DRM and copy protection.
While there are many file storage services to choose from, none have provided options for DRM or the prevention of copy. While some may offer some protection to ensure that files can only be used on their owner’s authorised web sites, and some may be protected from public access by password protection, none have ever been able to lock user rights to specific devices or prevent copy and saving by the many methods of exploit that are available to anyone with a computer or mobile phone.
But Guest Video now offers a file storage and hosting service that includes those options and they ause the most secure solution available today.
ccess rights (DRM) to view PDF and video can be assigned to specific users who are indentified by their unique computer signature so that viewing priveleges cannot be shared. Ideal for online course subscriptions and other “for your eyes only” scenarios, Guest Video DRM is superior to all other rights control solutions and it cannot be exploited.
The copy protection available with Guest Video file storage is “real” protection that prevents all manner of save, download and copy by all exploits available to modern computers and devices like mobile phones including screen capture and recording. Unlike all of the fake copy protection solution that are no more than a nuisance by disabling right-click menu options, the copy protection employed by Guest Video leaves no avenues open to exploit.
What sets Guest Video copy protection apart is that it does not try to prevent copy in web browsers that are designed at cross purpose… to copy, download and plagiarise any media displayed on a web page. Instead Guest Video uses the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS), a servide side encryption filter, in conjunction with the ArtisBrowser to create a secure tunnel between the website and the user’s desktop in which nothing can be copied or exploited in any way.
ArtisBrowser, being specially designed to protect web content, is the only web browser that can copy protect web pages and their content from all avenues of exploit. ArtisBrowser is available for all computers and devices including Windows, MacOSX, iPhone iPad and Android phones.
Guest Video content can be served as standalone web pages independent of any other web site (no website required) or it can displayed on any WordPress page by using a plugin that embeds the protected file in an iFrame.
For evaluation Guest Video provides a free 14-day trial account.
Copy protected demos can be viewed from the Guest Video website.
WordPress already offers a lot of plugins for copy protection. How is this better?
> ArtistScope
Yes, there are many copy protect plugins available but they are all the same... plagiarised scripts that do no more than confound naive people who are unaware of the many avenues for exploiting protected content.