For those with several websites that use the same media such as images, PDF and video, setting up a Content Delivery Network (CDN) has numerous advantages, including an increase in page speed required for SEO, more easily managed media, and the opportunity to use website protection software that can be shared by all of your websites.
Almost any web site can be used as a Content Delivery Network (CDN) Server because it will only be providing file storage. However HTTP/2 will be a huge plus for providing faster downloads of your image, PDF and video files. If the referrer of the pages requesting can be checked and verified that the request is via your web page, that can be most advantageous, however the encrypted media recommended later in this article will not need referrer checking because the media files themselves have "domain lock" built into them which prevents their usage on web sites that were not authorized.
Media is usually the larger part of any web page download and videos can be 30-300 MB and more. Your web hosting plan may not cater for a large enough download allowance or it may be limited in storage space whereas file storage services for a CDN can be much more economical.
The purpose of multiple web sites sharing content may be to cater for multi-language sites that share commonly used images and banners, tutorial sites that share commonly used images, PDF and video in different schools, or web sites better located in different countries for local hosting or domain ownership requirements. Images, PDF and video can be encrypted for your domain list so that the one file can be displayed on any of your web sites.
The website that displays the web pages can be almost any type of web site and hosted almost anywhere. For example you can use any of the popular Content Manage Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or if you are providing online courses, Moodle might be your best choice.
The best solution for encrypting images and preventing copy is the CopySafe Web Protection software which encrypts images for a list of licensed domains. Thos images are most secure on the server and even safe from your webmaster and server hosting staff because domain lock prevents their use from anywhere else but on the web sites that they were encrypted for. CopySafe encrypted images cannot be decrypted any other means other than the web browser plugin that checks the validity of the site displaying it, activates copy protection from PrintScreen and all screen capture or redirects to a download page for further instructions if the conditions are not met.
CopySafe Web is the most versatile and most secure
image protect software ever imaged. The application of a single small CopySafe image, like an icon, will activate copy protection that applies to the whole web page and thus protect all data and media from PrintScreen and screen capture software. CopySafe Web image displays can incorporate swap image, mouse-over messages and slideshow effects for use in online galleries.
PDF documents can be encrypted and domain locked using the CopySafe PDF Protection software. Each web page can employ different parameters for width and height of the inline PDF viewer. Preferred language can also be set which will change the language shown on the PDF reader's toolbar and messages.
Videos encrypted by CopySafe Video Protection include special buffering that enables video encrypted using military grade strength to start playing almost immediately regardless of file size. In fact 300 MB videos start playing quicker than 10 MB video because the buffering kicks in immediately. Being encrypted with domain lock the video files cannot be played elsewhere, and are completely secure stored on your CDN.
Prior to 2015 the CopySafe solutions were secure in all web browsers, even though those browsers are designed to make the download, saving and copying of media as easy as possible. Supporting such browsers has never been ideal for copy protected web sites, but now that has changed, because now site owners cannot make the mistake of trying to appease those who will steal their content.
Now there is only one choice for browsing a copy protected web site and that is by using the ArtisBrowser. Now your web content can be properly secured as the ArtisBrowser has been specially designed to protect web content. Although it looks and feels like a normal web browser, when ArtisBrowser encounters CopySafe content, it switches to "protected mode" in which nothing can be copied, printed or saved in any way whatsoever... unless you specifically allow it by varying the CopySafe settings on your web page.
Unlike other copy protection solutions, the CopySafe solutions provide the most secure copy protection from all copy, are the only effective copy protection solutions that can be used on web pages. Licensing is a one-time purchase that includes free and ongoing support and upgrades for life.
CopySafe began as the first secure copy protection from all copy and has remained to be the most secure solution for more than 20 years... by keeping abreast of Internet changes and leading in development (not following as our imitators try to do).
Author: William Kent
Date: 25th February 2020
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