CopySafe Web Protection

The CopySafe Web Protection software encrypts images for display on web site pages. Any page containing a CopySafe Web encrypted image will action ArtisBrowser to switch to protect mode, in which nothing on the web page can be copied in any way, even by PrintScreen and screen capture. Copysafe Web pages are most securely protected from all copy techniques.

CopySafe Web provides the most secure copy protection for images displayed on the Internet ever imagined. The images stored on the web site are safe even from staff because they are encrypted and domain locked, which means that even if one was to hack/decrypt them they will only display on the web to which it was assigned.

Copy protection features

Copysafe Web Protection features include:

  • Safe from all copy techniques including PrintScreen and screenshots.
  • Can be used on any type of web page and hosted anywhere.
  • Add copy protection to any page by simply adding a small image/icon.
  • Domain locked prevents leeching and plagiarism.
  • Images stored on teh site are safe from employees and webhosting staff.
  • Uses military grade encryption that does not increase file size.
  • Image er imports all types image formats (gif, jpeg, jpg and png).

CMS plugins available

CopySafe Web plugins are currently available for the following CMS:

Online demos for evaluation


First released in 1999 CopySafe Web provided the most secure copy protection for web pages until the release of the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) in 2014. However ASPS requires a dedicated/virtual server while CopySafe Web can be used on any web page anywhere.


To view Copysafe Web content a Windows computer is required. While that can be ideal for closed workshops and corporate networks, if access is required for other operating systems (OS) then you need to use the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS).

More information

For more information on Copysafe Web Protection see:


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