Artistic License

Artistic license is a term that describes the freedom artists have to alter facts or details in their work to create something more expressive or interesting.

It's a recognized part of the creative process that allows artists to express themselves in unique ways. Some examples of artistic license include:

  • A filmmaker changing the ending of a true story to make it more dramatic
  • A painter exaggerating the colors or shapes in a landscape to create a more striking image
  • Altering grammar or language
  • Rewording pre-existing text

Well that was resourced via AI and is of no consequence when artists are copying each others designs and concepts.

Creative License vs. Creative Arrangement

Creative (or "artistic") license is generally understood to mean the freedom artists may take when handling factual material.

Creative arrangement can describe the use of storytelling available to documentary filmmakers, from choice of subject to decisions concerning point of view and style.

Claim of Artistic Licence

Artistic license can also indicate that one does not care about how accurate a drawing is and that the original was used merely as a starting point to begin the journey, and along the way it was modified to enhance or present a new idea... thus something was created.


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