Operating System (OS)

An Operating System (OS) is a software that acts as an interface between computer hardware components and the user. Every computer system must have at least one operating system to run other programs. Applications like Browsers, MS Office, Notepad Games, etc., need some environment to run and perform its tasks. The OS helps you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. It is not possible for the user to use any computer or mobile device without having an operating system.

The OS helps you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. It is not possible for the user to use any computer or mobile device without having an operating system.

Some common operating systems are:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Linux
  • Android
  • Apple iOS
  • Apple MacOS
  • Solaris

User interface

A user interface (UI) is essential to support human interaction with a computer. The two most common user interface types for any computer are:

  • command-line interface where computer commands are typed line-by-line
  • graphical user interface (GUI) using a visual environment, most commonly a combination of the window, icon, menu, and pointer elements.

For personal computers, including smartphones, tablet computers and workstations, user input is typically from a combination of keyboard, mouse, and trackpad or touchscreen, all of which are connected to the operating system with specialized software. Personal computer users who are not software developers or coders often prefer GUIs for both input and output; GUIs are supported by most personal computers. The software to support GUIs is more complex than a command line for input and plain text output. Plain text output is often prefered by programmers and is easy to support.


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