ArtistScope Site Protection System

The ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) is a server side solution that encrypts web pages that are tagged for copy protection. ASPS is a server module that requires either a dedicated server or virtual private server (VPS) for the rights to install at system level.

Server types

The server types that the ASPS module are available for include all Windows Servers running IIS and Linux servers running either Apache or Nginx.


Installations are always performed by the ArtistScope team member responsible for either Windows or Linux. Being the developer for the intended OS they can ensure that the installation is a success, and if not, make the necessary modifications to cater for whatever is needed. For example in the case of Apache, it can be running on one of the many Linux operating systems and the virtual desk software used by the client can also be one of many available, most of which alter Apache settings and in some cases replace Apache with a version of their own. Self install is never an option.

Impact on server resources

The impact of server resources is negligible. Tests show that delivering ASPS web pages under loads (thousands of requests per minute) has no noticeable impact on delivery times or cpu/memory resources when compared to requests for normal web pages.

Copy protection

The ASPS module's part in copy protection is to encrypt tagged pages and ensure that requests are made by the ArtisBrowser. Only the Artisbrowser can decrypt those pages and display them. While on display in ArtisBrowser, the user cannot save, copy or otherwise exploit the page or its content including images, PDF and video.

In essence, a secure tunnel is created between ASPS at the server end and the ArtisBrowser on the user's desktop, from which nothing can be extracted, not even by using packet sniffer software.

Impact on search engines

Web pages protected by ASPS cannot be accessed by any application other than ArtisBrowser. That means that seaech engines and site grabbers cannot access those pages and even if they could get their data, it will not be decipherable.

ASPS is specially designed to secure private networks, and as such, cannot be expected to be SEO friendly. However by installing ASPS for a web site, it doesn't mean that all web pages will be delivered via the ASPS module. Only the pages that are tagged will be encrypted, which means that the rest of your web site can serve as search engine fodder, no problem.

Which pages are encrypted by ASPS?

Pages to be nominated for delivery via ASPS are tagged with special meta-tags that govern which OS (Windows, Mac, iOS and Android) is allowed, the minimum version requirement for ArtisBrowser and whether remote viewing is allowed or not. These tags can be hard coded or injected programatically.

For the popular content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Moodle, plugins are available for managing pages assigned for ASPS protection. Pages can be nominated by defining their full url or part thereof as a wildcard. For example by nominating "lessons" all pages that include the word lessons will be protected by ASPS. Those plugins can also manage which operating system (OS) is allowed access and the ArtisBrowser minimum version requirement for each OS.

Anyone trying to open an ASPS page without using the ArtisBrowser is redirected to its download page. Likewise for anyone using an older version that fails the minimum version requirement becuse websites can rely on that minimum version requirement to ensure that their content is using the latest security.

ASPS licensing

Licences are a one-time fee per server that includes installation by the ArtistScope team. During installation multiple site licences can be included for free. For more information about ASPS licence pricing see the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) home page.

Shared hosting alternative for using ASPS

If a dedicated server or VPS is not feasible, there are alternatives for using ASPS on websites hosted on shared servers. For example, if you have a WordPress site hosted with any web host, even on the most economical hosting plan, you can use one these services:

  • Guest Video provides a web hosting service for pages with file storage for media that includes options for DRM, copy protection and watermarking. Guest Video is a most unique web hosting service in that it is the first and probably the only web hosting service that provides copy protection as an option. All copy techniques are most effectively prevented. Pages can be used as a standalone (no website needed) or they can be embedded into existing web pages. The options for embedding include whole pages or just media like image, PDF and video. A WordPress plugin is available and a Moodle version is currently under development.
  • SafeGuard Media is available as a WordPress plugin for embedding images, PDF and video that are copy protected from all methods of save/copy and other exploits. All copy techniques are most effectively prevented. DRM is not a SafeGuard Media option because it is usually used on sites that already have access rights control by membership plugin or user login.
  • SafeGuard DRM is not copy protection but it can be used for the most secure access rights to pages or collections of pages that make up an online course. pages can be tagged for DRM and the DRM tokens assigned per user. A WooCommerce plugin can be installed to automate the creation of DRM tokens following a successful sale.

ASPS comparison

Frankly the copy protion provided by the ASPS - ArtisBrowser solution is better ever imagined and it has no peer or comparison. And copy protection for web content has never been more secure since popular web browsers dropped support for plugins that were allowed to interact at system level. Hence copy protection in other web browsers is so ineffective that the concept is useless.


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