Group : Admin
Posts : 128
Posted On:
2017-02-28 at 08:35
Your link adds "Ebook permission". If the user is new, then a new user is created, an Ebook token assigned and the user is emailed with download instructions.
If an existing user, an Ebook token assigned and the user is emailed with download instructions.
So if a new user, you should see them in your "Group users" list. Either way, you should also see an Ebook token for them, see "Ebook users".
Which link to use?
You need to request a custom page be created by our support team that accepts referrals from your website.
How to test your link
The link can be added to a page on your website. Then load that page and click the link.
However each link can only be used once because the system checks for duplicates. So after testing, to use the same link again, delete the new token.
Also, the document ID must exist.
How to put your link into production
Different ways you can do this:
1. Add a redirect at the end of the success page in your order process to the custom page that we provide. For Paypal you can nominate the redirect page.
2. or include an iFrame on your success page that loads the custom page that we provide.