Troubleshooting Copy Protection : Interference from Antivirus (AV) software

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Group : Admin
Posts : 128
Joined: 2016-09-29

Posted On: 2018-06-23 at 22:37

Most anti-virus (AV) software these days is over-rated rubbish. That is right, think of the biggest names that claim to be most trusted, and you will find them to be copying every other AV and making the same mistakes, ie: making it impossible for a user to use their computer as it should, with them having the right to choose what they do install and how they use it.

Not so long ago, working as an agent for one anti-virus software, we started getting complaints from clients and the problem turned out to a bug in the latest AV update. But then we found that users of other AV softwares were having the same problem in their latest update. So what does that tell us?

AV solutions are a monkey-see monkey-do industry that relies on found virus patterns. There is no better solution and certainly none with protection for all viruses. Because if they do not know about it, it cannot be found/detected. But in the case above, we can see that they not only watch each other's updates, but they are reverse engineering each others code and so adept at it that they all incorporated the same bug into their own so called "anti-virus solution".

All of them including Nortons, Mcfee, Trend Micro, etc are what should be known as NUISANCE software. Sometimes bundled with other applications and sometimes installed on new computers, they can cleverly be difficult to remove until you pay for their licensing and while running, can eat into a computer's resources and slow them down. They all have this in common and they all use the same lame excuse for lack of research by declaring unknown applications a virus as a scapegoat for their own inadequacy.

False Positives

A "false positive" is when anti-virus quarantines an application declaring it a virus when it is not. In fact the truth is in most cases that the anti-virus hasn't got a clue at all and the excuse used is usually "Reputation". In fact the bogus excuse has been use so match that there is now a virus definition called "Reputation". But what is really means is that they have never tested the application in question at all, and that is what happens when using "unique" software while RUBBISH anti-virus software is running on your computer.

The Solution

Uninstall the rubbish AV and get on with your life.

Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials is a free AV solution provided by Microsoft, and who better knows about Windows and security? It will run silently in the background and update virus patterns when you get your Windows updates.

Microsoft Security Essentials was first released for Windows Vista and available for Windows 7 also. On Windows Vista and 7 you need to download and install it. But in Windows 8 and later it comes already installed.

So know that you know about Microsoft Security Essentials, why bother with scam software?
