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7.5 Delivering images on the fly

With previous versions, to display encrypted images in a security applet, the governing parameters such as applet size and image file size had to be recorded additional to just using an image name. But since version 3.0 only the image file name is required.

If your image is named as “Sunset_over_Darwin.jpg and it is then encrypted and renamed as “Sunset_over_Darwin_0320_0280_C.class. by using <%= artisImageName %> you can display “Sunset over Darwin” anywhere on the page for a title or menu link.

The ASP code to check if class file and get size details:

The above script will strip portions of the file name giving several parameters that can be used to configure the security applet on the fly.

The following code can be used to write in the applet using ASP:

If the image is .class artisImageTemplate will return either "C" for Copysafe or "S" for Secure Image which can be used to determine which template to use for the applet (Secure Image applets are different).

The above code was prepared for a custom catalogue where the client can add products using a web form and select various display options to apply to items within the same category or grouping.
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